How to get a Dribbble Invite?

Often creating eye-catching designs and a smooth flowing UX require a specific set of tools. Dribbble seems to be one of the “tools” which enables designers to showcase their creativity while maintaining a portfolio of the same. To be able to get the views, likes and even the ability to comment on other’s posts, called as “shots”, requires you to be invited by a current member, called “a player”, on Dribbble. Now that you know that an invitation is required, let’s see how one can get it and start sharing their work.
Search “invite” or “dribbble invite” and filter the result by “Recent”. Some dribbblers set a short time span to reply and grab the invitation.
After you finally find an invite, just follow the instructions laid out by the designer in the post.
Now here’s some tips to ensure you convert your application to get invited.
- Follow the instructions as mentioned
- Attach a portfolio link or URL which depicts your previous work
- Write a short paragraph explaining why you should get the invitation. (Avoid short forms in the email)
- Its’s important to avoid templates!
- Before writing the email, a quick research of the designer you’re mailing to goes a long way as they might feel you have at least tried to understand their work. (Mentioning a design, of that user, which you like also helps)
- Be kind
With that said it might still depend on various other factors. Don’t worry just keep approaching as many people as possible.
Personally, I sent out 7–8 emails out of which 2 people replied back and eventually one of them handed me the invitation.
So this was one way how you can get a Dribbble Invite.
If you want to join Dribbble and don’t have an invite yet, you can grab one through me by clicking on the link posted in the hero image.
Edited by:- Manan Mehta